Friday, June 18, 2010

Final day at the Ranch!

Relaxing a minute after lunch.
Denny's talent for devotions.
Mike still can't resist a good game of soccer!
Darlene & Danny
Emy's antics
Mark hard at work running gas line.
Lucy filling those new cabinets up!
Denny streeetttccchhhing to reach that final spot.
Dale & Jerry have the perfect mortar recipe!
Final results of a 3 1/2 day job!

Well here we are at Friday already! It's hard to believe how fast the time goes. The weather this morning started out rainy, so it's been kind of cold eating, having devotions and working all in the open air! We could have used a few extra sweatshirts, but it's not quite so cool now, and keeping busy helps keep your mind off of the cold.

The guys did finish up the drainage pipe last night, and with quite a bit of rain overnight, it got tested already! Things look good and it should definitely help keep the apartment dry. Lots more painting was done yesterday, and goes on today. We are painting inside of the building now instead of outside, so there is a little bit of protection from the weather, but with the big doorway and part of the ceiling open, it still gets pretty cool and breezy even inside!

Jerry, Denny, Darlene, Emy and I have been painting this morning, and Dale, Mike and Mark are working on hooking up the gas line for Lucy's new stove. The kitchen is really nice and Lucy is excited to have it, but they still won't have a refrigerator until they get better, more reliable power to support it. You have to "take turns" using anything that takes electricity now! I can't imagine doing without so many things that I take for granted. It really makes you stop and thank God for what you have.

Our team, the Marshalls and Ashleigh all went out again last night for ice cream. It was nice to have Ashleigh along to order for us, and because of her, we actually finally got what we ordered! We had a great time talking and laughing.

Denny had devotions this morning and he shared the song he had written a few years ago about Refuge Ranch and the ministry the Zaragoza's have here. Everyone was moved by the song. It was the first time that Victor and Julie had heard the song, and they loved it too.

Lucy is up teaching kids right now, and has kept up with her responsibilities all week, so life at the ranch goes on as normal even when there is a work team here. I'm sure it's more challenging when so many extra people are around.

Well, this will probably be the last opportunity I have to post, since it's off the to the airport early tomorrow to begin the journey home. We appreciate all of your prayers during this week, and count on you praying us home safely too! Adios amigos!!

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